Perl is a well-liked web-oriented computer programming language, which is employed to create CGI scripts and also many different applications. It's very convenient considering that you do not need to write the same code time and time again to have some task executed several times, but you're able to use modules. They're pre-defined subroutines or groups of operations which can be called and executed in a script. This means that, you're able to include just a reference to a specific module inside your code instead of using the whole module code over and over again. In this way, your script will be shorter, which means that it'll be executed a lot quicker, not mentioning that it will be much simpler to maintain or modify. If you want to employ some third-party ready-made Perl script instead of writing your own, it will probably need particular modules to be present on the website hosting server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Cloud Hosting

If you acquire one of the cloud hosting plans that we provide, you will have access to a rich library of over 3400 Perl modules which are already set up on our cloud server platform. As soon as you sign in to the Hepsia Control Panel, you'll be able to visit the Server Information area where you can easily check the full list. Part of them are more common than others, but we offer such a large selection because we realize that when you employ an app from some third-party website, it could have specific requirements as to what modules have to be set up on the server or it will not work efficiently. XML::Parser, URI, LWP and DBD::mysql are some of the modules that you're able to access and use on your sites.