When you work with a script-driven application on your website and all content that you make is saved in a database, your hosting plan should come with adequate database storage space, to make sure that even if the website grows, you won't have any sort of troubles as a result of the shortage of space. PostgreSQL is a good example of a well-liked database administration system which is used with lots of scalable web applications and in case you're looking for enhanced performance and reliability for your website, it is likely that you'll use this system. With this in mind, you will need a website hosting package that won't restrict your online presence, especially if you would like to run a number of websites and each of them works with PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Hosting

Some of the cloud hosting plans that we provide are excellent for hosting websites which require a PostgreSQL database to function because they contain unrestricted database storage space. When you use these plans, you will be able to create and manage any sort of PostgreSQL-driven script app and enjoy a quick and stable web hosting service. We are able to supply unlimited database storage space because we do not manage everything on one and the same server. Alternatively, all the PostgreSQL databases are handled by an independent cluster, that is part of our custom-made cloud hosting platform, so we will always add extra hard disk drives or whole servers to the cluster when required. With our shared web hosting services, you won't ever have to worry that the growth of your sites will be limited due to the low space for your databases.