Every time you obtain a new website hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, your account is made and as automatic as the whole process may seem, there are always little things which are executed manually. For every virtual or a dedicated server there are even more tasks to be done because these forms of hosting generally need a manual setup, software installation and configuration, checking the server environment in order to ensure that everything's working fine, etc. To cover the cost for the time and efforts these duties take, many companies require a one-time set-up fee to be paid by their clients on top of the cost for the cloud hosting. The charge usually applies to every new web hosting account being bought and it's rarely listed on the company’s web site, but it would appear on your checkout page.

Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting plans do not have any sort of installation charges or any other concealed fees as a rule. If you buy an account, we'll process your payment at once and then the account will be generated and activated by our system instantly. The overall price that you will need to pay for your web hosting plan will be identical everywhere - on our front, order and payment pages, and you will not find or be charged anything further than that price at any time. This is valid even when you purchase a number of accounts as it is our understanding that developing trust is much more important than receiving a few more dollars. Your account activation is real-time, which means that you will be able to proceed and begin building your websites immediately.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

Our dedicated web hosting plans are devoid of any setup or other hidden fees. During your registration process, you'll pay only the regular monthly rate for the package that you have selected. As soon as you submit your order, we'll put together and try your new machine, and then we will install all the software that you need to have a fully functional server - Operating System, website hosting Control Panel if you've picked one, web server, MySQL, and so on. All these activities are part of the plan and they are provided cost-free, which means that the signup payment and all of your future renewal payments will be exactly the same. If the server comes with our in-house made Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared hosting account from our company, we will even move your content on your brand new server free of charge.